Susun interviews Anne Key.
Anne's first memoir Desert Priestess recounts her time as the Priestess of the Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet in Nevada. She co-edited Heart of the Sun: An Anthology in Exaltation of Sekhmet and Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses. Her latest book— Burlesque, Yoga, Sex and Love: A memoir of Life under the Albuquerque Sun —explores the wonders of mid-life. She performs with the nationally recognized troupe Burlesque Noir in Albuquerque, New Mexico under the stage name Annie O'Roar.
Children's Advocate Diane Levin
Susun interviews Diane Levin.
Diane is internationally recognized expert helping professionals, parents and policymakers understand and respond to the impact of various societal forces-such as violence and sexualization, and media and commercial culture-on children's development, learning and behavior. She is a founder of 3 advocacy organizations:T.R.U.C.E—Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment, which helps professionals help parents deal with the impact of media and promote quality play;Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, which works to end the commercial exploitation of children; and, Defending the Early Years, which advocates for appropriate early childhood practice that counteracts inappropriate aspects of many recent school reform mandates. Levin is a Professor of Early Childhood Education at Wheelock College and her 9th book, Beyond Remote-Controlled Childhood: Teaching Young Children in the Media Age.